Friday, May 1, 2009

The new cat's meow. Rehab isn't just for dogs!

So many people are under the impression that physical rehabilitation is only for our canine companions. And while the predominant animal rehabilitation programs focus on dogs, many of the treatment options are applicable to, and well tolerated by our feline friends.

For cats, animal rehabilitation practitioners can use therapies such as massage, controlled passive and active exercise, low level laser therapy, ultrasound, and neuromuscular electrical stimulation to assist in reducing the pain response. The only therapy that cats typically object to is water therapy, either in a pool or underwater treadmill. However, there are some cats that tolerate the water, as was the case for Bob (pictured), who suffered a severe pelvic fracture.

Yes, cats are very independent and aloof. Yet it's still possible to develop and implement exercise routines, weight loss regimens, and pain management plans using rehabilitation modalities that can be very effective. The key is recognition of the pet's needs, and owner commitment to the plan.

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